Shannon Avenue Chiropractic Latest News

Neck Pain from TEXT NECK how our Geelong Chiropractor can help

Posted on May 24, 2022 in News

It’s Spinal Health Week and we thought we would take a deep dive into TEXT NECK and Neck Pain. In our Geelong based clinic, we are seeing “Text Neck” become an ever-increasing issue. Neck pain is now a leading cause of disability with 20% of adults experiencing neck pain.  The curve of the neck is…

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3 ways to treat Hip Bursitis at home in Geelong

Posted on October 11, 2021 in News

Hip Bursitis is one of the most common conditions that we see in our Geelong clinic, especially amongst our female patients. The Bursa is a small fluid-filled sac that sits between muscles, tendons and bones. (show in the diagram) Bursitis is an inflammatory condition, this inflammation and swelling process causes the bursa to become enlarged…

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Coronavirus Update

Posted on March 26, 2020 in News

            Dear valued patient: Firstly we would like to thank you for your continued support of a family owned, Geelong small business. The situation with Coronavirus is unprecedented on the back of an already difficult start to the year for all Australians. The situation is constantly evolving and we will…

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Dr Matthew is Shaving!

Posted on March 4, 2019 in News

Help us raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation Dr Matthew is shaving his head to help support our amazing patient Kylie reaching her 5 years in remission milestone! When: Sunday the 17th March 10:30am Where: GPAC We will also be raising money in the clinic! A gold coin donation will put you in the draw…

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Geelong Chiropractor – Online Booking

Posted on January 23, 2019 in News

We are exciting to announce that Shannon Avenue Chiropractic now has online booking! We know that sometimes finding the time to book an appointment is the hardest part! You’re busy at work, or you don’t think about it til 10pm at night and it’s too late! With online book it’s simple, just click the Book…

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Our 9 tips for a healthy & happy Christmas

Posted on December 1, 2018 in News

Its a wonderful time of year, but it’s often filled with over indulgence and busy schedules. Your health and well-being usually goes straight to the bottom of the Christmas list. This year we have put together 9 easy steps to ensure that your Christmas is HAPPY, HEALTHY & PAIN FREE! TAKE IT EASY! With the…

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Hemp and Chiropractic health

Posted on November 2, 2018 in News

We recently hosted Geelong’s first Hemp info evening alongside local business Australian Primary Hemp. Dr Matthew and the Aus Primary Hemp team discussed the health benefits of Hemp food and how it can help patients with their spinal and joint health in particular arthritic inflammation.                    …

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Lower back pain, leg pain and glute pain? Visit our Geelong Chiropractor

Posted on August 16, 2018 in News

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction At Shannon Avenue Chiropractic lower back pain is one of the most common complaints in our clinic. Patient’s come from many surrounding areas, including Bannockburn and across the Bellarine Peninsula to see Dr Matthew for treatment of their lower back pain. It is Dr Matthew’s role as head Chiropractor is to assess…

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Sports Injury? How our Geelong chiropractors can help.

Posted on July 7, 2018 in News

Winter Sports Injuries and why you need regular chiropractic visits                   In the winter months, Geelong’s love for sport does not stop. Our passion for AFL, Netball, Soccer and Extreme winter sports goes into overdrive. Not only do we love the Geelong Cats, but many of you…

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